Ecuador Cotopaxi Mountain

Hiking In The Shadow Of Cotopaxi Warrior (Guide)

The Legend In my recent visitation to the tavern, I heard a story that came…

Ushguli Mountains Georgia

Hiking In Georgia In The Lands Of Unconquered

The first time I heard about Georgia was from the late traveler Marco Polo.…

Greece E4 Trail Peloponnese

Hiking Peloponnese -The Land Of Gods & Legends

We have heard many strange things about the far land of Greece. The scorpions…

Lac Blanc Tour Du Mont Blanc

Tour Du Mont Blanc - Strolling At The Edge Of The World

Like all adventures, it arrived suddenly with a bang and was over in a flash.…

Tour Du Mont Blanc French side

Tour Du Mont Blanc Camping Sites

When I started researching initially for a possible camping spots for the hike…

Tour Du Mont Blanc

Tour Du Mont Blanc - Preparation

It all started with a wish to go somewhere really anywhere for holidays with a…

Plateliai Lake Lithuania

The Ancient Lands & Mirror Of The Gods

Day 1 4 days, 350KM by train and ~ 65KM on foot. A team of 4 and a dog took on…