Polignano A Mare ItalyThere is nothing better than hot steamy sun, beautiful road, gorgeous beaches and a partner. Puglia – Italy is the location of this post. Toyota Yaris is the car. And 5 beaches are the destination. Up and down the Puglia region to reach the chosen beaches.

The car had air conditioning thus the heat was not a problem. The navigation was funky. Since any and every road speed limit was 90 km/h we drove more time across the small countryside roads through the grape fields rather than highways.

First, stop Polignano A Mare

Polignano A Mare ItalyA magnificent beach etched in the cliffs. On one side high above the cliffs is the old town of Polignano A Mare and on the other side along cliffy ridge going on and on until it reaches the next village or city.



There are two beaches here. One a bit further going were the local fishermen take their boats out to the sea. You can find more locals here and the first is nearby the old town.

If you would like to experience a bit more authentic life of the Italian dream then by all means swim and rest near the fisherman boats with the local Italians who are tired of the tourists.

Polignano A Mare ItalyPolignano A Mare ItalyHowever, if you would like to see people jumping from the cliffs, be surrounded by history and tourist than the second beach is a place to go. Both are perfect spots to spend some time and enjoy the atmosphere.

Polignano A Mare ItalyPolignano A Mare ItalyPolignano A Mare Italy

Do not forget to visit Antiche Mura for a fantastic fresh seafood!

Second stop Baia Dei Turchi

Baia Dei TurchiBaia Dei TurchiBaia Dei Turchi

Long drive with crazy Italian drivers, countryside and small roads to reach this hidden (from tourist) marvelous location. It is a protected area and beaches are wild Well as wild as people that take care of them to ensure that they stay clean. The words cannot describe the view. But the pics and video can!

Baia Dei TurchiBaia Dei TurchiBaia Dei TurchiBaia Dei Turchi

Third Stop Fiordo Di Ciolo

A place of true beauty ( I know I use beautiful, marvelous and etc quite a lot but it is simply impossible to say that these beaches are not pretty). If you wouldn’t know that there is a beach carved in the cliffs under the bridge you would just drive through it and never be the wiser. It is a place where you always dream to be and find. Quite beside the Italian water divers, beautiful, warm water, kind people and above all serenity that seeps in just from being there.

Fiordo Di CioloFiordo Di CioloFiordo Di CioloFourth stop Le Maldive del Salento

Le Maldive del SalentoLe Maldive del Salento

Not much to say… We chose to walk and swim and rest in the dog beach rather than the so-called Maldives of Italy. I think it says everything.

Le Maldive del SalentoLe Maldive del Salento

Fifth and final stop Spiaggia di Tramontone

Spiaggia di TramontoneSmall compact beach with turquoise water. Tucked away few kilometers away from Taranto city.

Spiaggia di TramontoneSpiaggia di Tramontone


Simonas R.
Arune M.

P.s. Pictures are all originals. If you would like to copy or use them you have to get a permission from the authors.

P.s.s. Part 1 and  2 of the trip can be found here: 

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